As we launched, Passionately Rivalicious®, LLC on September 1, 2010, a Promise to share our Passion, Spirit, and Enthusiasm
was at the Heart of our Vision. We are truly aware that we share the love for athletics, community, and philanthropy with all of you.
Passion Play Sports®, a Division of Passionately Rivalicious - GameDay Apparel & Entertainment,
promotes the development of Sportsmanship, Teamwork, & Character through Growing the Games for Kids.
Think back ...
How old were you?
Where were you?
What sport was it?
When did you first experience your love for the Game?
We want every child to cherish those memories.
The Mission of Passion Play Sports® focuses on the growth and development of children through sports-related activities.
Passion Play Sports® collects new footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls, and volleyballs from corporations, churches,
small businesses, sports teams, and individuals through private donations and philanthropic events.
Through our Passion Play Sports® “Ball Drop” Events, we enthusiastically distribute sports balls to community organizations
throughout the Nation and the World. Witness and experience the excitement of sharing your love for sports and community!
Join the Fun in Giving Back & Catch the Spirit with Passion Play Sports®!
Our Mission
Passion Play Sports®
PPS Team Headquarters
Passion Play Sports®
Growing the Games for Kids
Website: http://www.passionplaysports.org
Email: info@passionplaysports.org
A Division of
Passionately Rivalicious®, LLC
GameDay Apparel & Entertainment
Website: www.prfanshop.com
Email: info@passionatelyrivalicious.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/passionatelyrivalicious
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/privalicious
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/privalicioustv